Friday, April 24, 2009

Quincy, Florida

It started out foggy and humid like yesterday morning and though we "only" had a 54 mile ride today, we were chomping at the bit to get off this morning before the heat. Our leaders held us back until they thought it was clear enough so drivers could see us. The fog did burn off quickly and the sky was a solid blue expanse. We started out in some heavy traffic but eventually got off the four lane roadway to smaller county roads. I remember passing by lots of pastures, pine forests, climbing some hills, and passing freshly plowed fields, some with sandy soil and some with more reddish hue.

On this trip we have passed a lot of farms on this southern tier route that either were preparing the soil for planting or were tending new growth. Spring brings growth, a promise of something new and fresh as well as a sense of hope. How lucky am I to have experience two months of spring with another month of new growth to watch once I get home. (Let's hope the new growth isn't me gaining back weight once I get home.)

On our ride today, I recall trees meeting together in a archway across the road creating a shady, peaceful section for us. We crossed over the Chatahootchie River with flooded cypress groves nearby. We also went back on the state route 90 and passed through towns like Snead, Gretna, until we reached Quincy.

We asked a landscaper for a place to eat and after finding out he spoke Spanish, we had Susan come over and translate for us. He pointed us in the direction of the town square and we found a little place that had a buffet. It was typical southern fare with sweet potato, beans, cheese grits, ribs, fried chicken and fish, and baked chicken. I had a small sample of all the aforementioned foods and it was finger-licking scrumcious. I was really hungry by the time we sat down and did not pack a peanut butter sandwich as I knew we would be eating out today.

Speaking of food, last night we had steamed asparagus and zucchini, pineapple, Asian slaw, and chicken or tofu in a peanut sauce. Yummy!

We are heading to Wakulla Springs tomorrow and then will have our last day off. I don't think they have Internet access there so you may not hear from me for a few days. It did get up to 90 degrees today and the sun sapped the energy right out of me. Something irritated my left eye on the ride today so I've been icing it and taking it easy. In fact, I even took a little nap before dinner.
Take care,

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